
Articles by Jason Kettinger

Jason Kettinger is Associate Editor of Open for Business. He writes on politics, sports, faith and more.

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To Comfort Today's People, We Must Turn to the Past

By Jason Kettinger | Jan 10, 2009 at 10:49 PM

I have written in the past about various challenges in evangelical Christianity centered around history and memory, or the lack thereof. We as Evangelicals have often slunk towards ahistorical views, and this is exactly the last thing people need today. Perhaps a turn back to traditional forms in worship can help the problem.

Acting Well: Reflections on the Life of Katharine Hepburn

By Jason Kettinger | Nov 09, 2008 at 10:35 PM

Even to the present day, I remain woefully ignorant of the catalog of an American acting legend – Katharine Hepburn. Despite that, based upon two films, 1967's Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? and 1981's On Golden Pond, I had decided that she was the best actress I've seen.

Why I Will Vote Obama

By Jason Kettinger | Nov 04, 2008 at 7:27 AM

Last week, OFB endorsed Sen. John McCain for President of the United States. In the closing hours of the race, contributing editor Jason Kettinger offers a voice of dissent in support for Sen. Barack Obama. Read on to find out why he supports the Democratic nominee.

Will the Republicans Take the House?

By Jason Kettinger | Nov 02, 2008 at 5:18 AM

While much of America’s attention during this political season has been on presidential politics, there is more to the election than who will be taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in January. How the Congress shapes up is a major question, and contributing editor Jason Kettinger takes up a contrarian position in forecasting the balance of power.

How Obama is Winning America

By Jason Kettinger | Oct 31, 2008 at 4:12 AM

It came to me as I watched Will.I.Am's video “Yes We Can” — I encourage everyone to watch it — Obama is a cheater. Now, I don't mean that he condones or abets shady election practices. Rather, I mean that he understands the state of American political culture, his place in it, and how to translate American exceptionalism into “liberal-ese,” if you will.

Rejected Words

By Jason Kettinger | May 21, 2008 at 6:23 AM

“Shouldn’t you say some words?” The humor and the weight of the story hung over me. Dr. David Calhoun, a master storyteller, related a tale of a man who had never tried sweet maple syrup straight from a tree before. The man’s friend offered to rectify the situation, and he accepted. As the man prepared to humble himself by letting his friend pour the sweetness into his mouth, he paused for a moment and asked that question. And it contains the profoundest wisdom; I summarize it thusly: We humans instinctively need to mark the moments of our lives with ceremony, with ritual.

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