
Articles by Jason Kettinger

Jason Kettinger is Associate Editor of Open for Business. He writes on politics, sports, faith and more.

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The Woods, Part VI: Trial in the Woods

By Jason Kettinger | Jan 28, 2012 at 9:12 PM

Connie had just finished shopping. It was a pleasant day, the sun was warm, the light was high, and she was in the sort of mood where catchy, summertime pop songs spring to mind. She would never see the two men ready to grab her when she looked up toward the other man who’d asked for help. Such a pleasant smile, she thought.

The Probably Pointless Iowa Caucus

By Jason Kettinger | Jan 03, 2012 at 6:50 AM

Sometimes we put too much stock in the Iowa Caucus. This caucus has its share of odd results after all, like Pat Robertson winning in 1988. Or we can ask Governors Huckabee and Dean how well their Iowa victories translated to national victory. But, this year will likely be different.

Election 2012: Populism is Coming, but What Kind?

By Jason Kettinger | Dec 08, 2011 at 1:41 AM

If you haven’t been paying attention to the political process lately, I don’t blame you. It is still much too early, and there is little to calm the urge to call down a pox on all houses, no matter where you reside.

Reliving Post-Season 2011 Gives Glimpse of 2012

By Jason Kettinger | Nov 11, 2011 at 3:16 AM

I admit it, I gave up. Tons of times. This Cardinals team earned my respect, my scorn, and my hope all in a vicious cycle for the last six or so months. They blew a 6-2 9th inning lead against the Mets with about a week to go before the post-season. They blew the most games they'd led in the final inning of any team in baseball. They are maddening to watch. I have almost nothing left as a fan. I just need to be honest here.

The Perverse Glory of ‘Glee’

By Jason Kettinger | Jun 17, 2011 at 9:42 PM

This television show has already been commented on roundly—praised, lambasted, lamented—so perhaps I am undercutting our goal here at OFB. But in so many ways, it is a microcosm of America today, in both its tragedy and possibility, and as such, it cannot be ignored.

An Open Letter on the NCAA Tournament

By Jason Kettinger | Mar 18, 2011 at 8:41 PM

Dear Selection Committee, you need to know that Michigan State, Clemson, Virginia Commonwealth, and Georgia don’t belong in the field. Right off the top. Also include Penn State and Illinois. Harvard, Colorado, and Virginia Tech do belong, but aren’t there. Include Missouri State, and St. Mary’s. Frankly, this was the worst job you’ve ever done in the 26 years since we went to (at least) 64 teams.

Three Questions, One Answer: the Steelers Will Win

By Jason Kettinger | Feb 06, 2011 at 5:28 AM

As the big game approaches, the question is, of course, who will hold the coveted title of Super Bowl champion for the coming year. In a match as history filled as they come in the NFL, each team has its proponents. However, if you think about a few questions, the winner is quite clear.

The Woods, Part V: Grace In The Woods

By Jason Kettinger | Jan 31, 2011 at 6:05 AM

Peter Thomas Stevens went into room 103 with the flowers and Kevlar balloons, still thinking about what Mike Abernathy had said: “This is the second time you saved my life.” He didn’t yet know how firmly he belonged to God, and how God used him at his birth to save the soul of Mike Abernathy.

Obama's Vindication in the Midst of "Disaster"

By Jason Kettinger | Nov 02, 2010 at 2:37 PM

The media are setting us up. This is nothing new; they have basically carried water for the Democratic Party for at least 50 years and that habit shows no signs of abating. Have you noticed that they've been telling us for a year that the Dems are going to be shelled in this election? There is more to that prediction than meets the eye.

Health Saving Accounts: An Idea Too Soon Forgotten

By Jason Kettinger | Oct 30, 2010 at 8:18 PM

Elections come and go. And as those cycles occur, various big ideas also have a tendency to move from their fifteen minutes of fame into the dust bin of old ideas, left there to rot without ever delivering their promised benefits. Health Savings Accounts is one such idea that, unfortunately, has mostly been relegated to that political purgatory.

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