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You can reach our regular contributors at their respective e-mail addresses in the format of first initial and last name @ofb.biz. For example, Editor-in-Chief Timothy Butler is reachable at tbutler@ofb.biz.

Tips, News to Share

Have a news release or product you want to tip us off about? Please contact Editor-in-Chief Timothy Butler at tbutler@ofb.biz.

Article Submissions

Would you like to submit an article or essay for publication consideration on the pages of OFB? Please make sure the submission is carefully edited, cites any sources it depends on and that any potential conflicts of interest are properly noted in a footnote. Normal pieces published on OFB are 700-900 words, although exceptions are made for longer articles on occasion.

Note: we do not accept “advertorials” that are promotional pieces for the author’s organization or product or serve as “link exchanges” with another web site.

Submissions should be sent to Editor-in-Chief Timothy Butler at tbutler@ofb.biz.