
Entries Tagged 'Roku'

How to See the World for Free

By Dennis E. Powell | May 22, 2024 at 9:46 PM

As part of my privacy-oriented DIY “smart” television project I had looked at applications that consolidate the many live streams from television stations around the world into some kind of useful form. I accidentally heard about and was drawn to something by the (kind of poor, I think) name of IPTVnator. And it works.

It's Alive!

By Dennis E. Powell | May 01, 2024 at 11:06 PM

The idea of trying to build a privacy-respecting television box took root when I heard of something called Plasma Bigscreen. “Plasma Bigscreen is an open-source user interface for TV's [sic]. Running on top of a Linux distribution, Plasma Bigscreen turns your TV or setup-box into a fully hackable device,” says its website, linked above. “A big launcher giving you easy access to any installed apps and skills. Controllable via voice or TV remote.”

Building a Better Television

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 24, 2024 at 11:11 PM

Your television is spying on you, as mine is spying on me. This is true unless you are watching only programs via broadcast signal and receive them through an antenna — and maybe you’re having your information collected even then.

TikTok Television

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 17, 2024 at 2:55 PM

Your television is spying on you, as mine is spying on me. This is true unless you are watching only programs via broadcast signal and receive them through an antenna — and maybe you’re having your information collected even then.

Don’t Miss Prime (and Anti-Prime) Tech Deals Today

By Timothy R. Butler | Oct 11, 2023 at 1:12 PM

With the artificial “holiday” of the “Prime Deal Days” going on right now, there are plenty of mediocre deals, but a few you may want to nab before it ends tonight.

More deals will be added throughout the day.

The State of Television Around Here

By Dennis E. Powell | Sep 14, 2022 at 9:45 AM

It was expensive as mute buttons go. That seems clear to me, but anyone else might need a little explanation. For the last number of years I have had in my bedroom what was the cheapest little flat-screen television that WalMart had to offer in about 2015, so it wasn’t much good seven years ago and today no one would purchase even a telephone with its low video specifications and lack of inputs.

Nice New TV, Same Old Shows

By Dennis E. Powell | Jan 05, 2022 at 11:26 PM

It starts when we’re young, I think, and continues through our lives. That great new baseball glove, we’re encouraged to believe (and are eager to go along with it), will make us far better players. That new car will make us so much more attractive to the opposite sex. That new word processor will bring our writing into a whole new realm of coherence and literacy.