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Our Living Links to the Past Won't Be Around Forever

By Dennis E. Powell | May 19, 2021 at 9:36 PM

My maternal grandmother, were she still alive, would have turned 141 years old today.

Find Out if NoVax is Right for You

If Skipping the COVID Vaccine Were a Pharmaceutical Commercial...

By Timothy R. Butler | May 18, 2021 at 11:44 PM

The disease that we will likely recall for the rest of our lives as simply “the Pandemic” has been answered by vaccines that, by any pre-COVID standard, would be viewed as incredibly effective. Reduce spread, reduce severity and do so with stunningly few severe side effects? How can “NoVax” be appealing in that light?

Episode 2: To Boldly Go Where No Snail Has Gone Before

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | May 14, 2021 at 11:20 AM

Jason​ and Tim​ zip back to the podcast-o-sphere with Episode 2 of Zippy the Wonder Snail. On the docket today: the upcoming “College Bowl” TV show revival academic and the state of the Liberal Arts; suicide and meaning in Star Trek​ and the necessity of Jesus’s Cross.

Emergency Computer Repair Brings Potential Legislation to Mind

By Dennis E. Powell | May 12, 2021 at 11:52 PM

In the spring of odd-numbered years, it’s my task to upgrade the operating systems on my computers. It sometimes goes uneventfully.

Pixel Voical Wireless Mic System

A Highly Portable Wireless Mic for Your Camera

By Timothy R. Butler | May 10, 2021 at 12:53 PM

Can an affordable and seemingly misspelled wireless mic system help you with your live streams, Zoom meetings and other audio and video projects? We’ll find out as OFB Labs puts the Pixel’s Voical (sic) Wireless Mic system to the test.

The Dark Underbelly of Star Trek: The Next Generation

Death, Life and Suicide in an "Optimistic" World

By Jason Kettinger | May 06, 2021 at 8:37 PM

I should say firstly that it is perhaps my favorite television show. It’s one of the best regarded shows in the history of American television, and that is not an exaggeration. It also was able to transcend the somewhat niche quality of Star Trek, and of science fiction more generally. It still has one glaring flaw.

An Old Quiz Show Might Underline What's Wrong with Today's Higher Education

By Dennis E. Powell | May 05, 2021 at 11:10 PM

It’s not nostalgia that leads me to think of a television show that all but disappeared more than 50 years ago. I bring up the once-famous “GE College Bowl” for an entirely different reason.

Episode 1: The Meteoric Gastropod Begins

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Apr 29, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Tim and Jason zip through segments on the Gospel of John, Taylor Swift’s “Folklore,” Non-Fungible Tokens and the need for a return to blogging.

We Once Knew the Theme Songs to Even Ordinary Television Shows

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 28, 2021 at 11:10 PM

In March 1981 a moderately successful television program premiered on ABC. “The Greatest American Hero” was a semi-spoof superhero show that ran for three seasons, neither a huge hit nor a bomb.

Leaving the Social Media Stockyard

The Promise of the Internet was Decentralized Content. Let's Return to It.

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 23, 2021 at 4:59 PM

Though we hardly ever call it by name, the “World Wide Web” is fantastic metaphor for what the Internet is meant to be: a vast, interconnected realm free of central government. In the social media era, unfortunately, we have willingly ceded that freedom to our detriment. It is time we reconsider the Faustian bargain we have made.

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