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Christmas Diluted Almost to Extinction?

By Dennis E. Powell | Dec 21, 2022 at 9:43 PM

Was it the pandemic? Or has society’s decline increased in velocity? Or is it just me? Christmas is close, but it doesn’t feel like it. Some of that has to do with the pandemic, I suppose, at least around here. The vague sense of being under siege remains, and the Christmas music doesn’t seem to have returned to stores, broadcasts, and elsewhere.

Why We Can't Count Our Blessings

By Dennis E. Powell | Nov 23, 2022 at 8:37 PM

Tuesday was the day that got designated for me to bring in the car, which was damaged September 7 by a deer that wanted to cosplay a hood ornament. It took 10 weeks because it seems as though many people have settled upon leisurely lives following the pandemic, and because our system is currently arranged so that we have a surfeit of experts in vague areas ending in “-studies” and a shortage of people who can actually do things.

Battlefield Thoughts

By Melanie Haynes | Oct 12, 2022 at 4:02 PM

Sweat dripped into his eyes. He felt his breathing quicken as the enemy forces crested the ridge to the south, moving inexorably toward him. The sword in his hand felt ponderous. He gripped it so tightly his knuckles went numb, as he willed himself to focus on the thrill of battle over the heaviness of fear. Could he wield his weapon, when the time came? Would it be enough? Would his training be enough?

The Not So Innocent Vine

By Melanie Haynes | Sep 14, 2022 at 6:05 PM

It was beautiful. It was sweet-smelling. It was deadly. For quite some time, I had ignored lovely, white-flowered vine that had begun to entwine its way around my backyard fence. Gardening has never been a hobby of mine. In contrast to my mother —- who has been known to happily steward anything from ferns to palm trees, bringing them tenderly back from the brink of death and into lush contentment —- my thumbs have always been decidedly mahogany.

A Belief Worth Dying For

By Timothy R. Butler | Aug 24, 2022 at 10:13 PM

A friend recently asked me to chime in on a Twitter conversation in which someone was asserting that Jesus’s disciples did not die over their belief in the Resurrection. Sometimes Twitter arguments can be completely useless, but this one seemed to include some genuine discussion and, as obscure as arguing over why someone died millennia ago may seem, in this case, it means quite a lot.

An Elegy for the Life that Was

By Timothy R. Butler | Jul 06, 2022 at 9:09 PM

I see it on the faces of everyone I talk to. The war wearied look of two years and three months since life changed. As we peer into a fall in which COVID continues to roar along and many I know who had dodged it are now catching it, life-February-2020-style feels more distant than ever.

Evangelism is for Everyone. Let's Evangelize the Right Thing.

By Timothy R. Butler | Jun 08, 2022 at 10:41 PM

A few months ago, I found myself in a debate with a self-styled theological expert who made a stunning claim: sharing one’s faith wasn’t the duty of every Christian. That’s certainly what our squishy on truth society believes, but increasingly, it seems, so do the culture warrior Christians.

LGBTQ Identity and Problems Within Evangelical Christianity

By Jason Kettinger | May 24, 2022 at 11:52 AM

My first challenge in such a piece as this is to try to say what I intend to say as simply as I can, without bogging us down in too much philosophical jargon. On the other hand, one of the problems that Christians have faced is trying to describe their positions, or to combat harmful ideas contrary to them, whilst lacking the philosophical framework that makes various errors easier to see.

Losing the Sacredness of Human Life

By Jason Kettinger | May 10, 2022 at 11:25 AM

I suppose we are much more aware of the lives of celebrities and of strangers, on account of the Internet. But doesn’t it seem like a lot of suicides are happening?

Two Years Later, It Happened

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 27, 2022 at 10:05 PM

As regular readers know, I spend my days as a pastor. The last couple of years have been a unique time to be in ministry and, doubly so, as I found myself “planting” (starting) a new church in the midst of it.

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