
Timothy R. Butler


Timothy R. Butler is a pastor, teacher and writer. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Open for Business, an online magazine that he founded in 2001 and reestablished in 2020 after a few years on hiatus. He writes on theology, literature, philosophy, technology and politics. He is also the primary reviewer for OFB’s TestyTim.com product review portal.

He also serves as Pastor at Little Hills Church as well as at FaithTree Christian Fellowship, a young adult ministry formed through the cooperation of several churches in St. Charles County, Missouri. Previously, Tim served as the University Chaplain of Lindenwood University and as Associate Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Cottleville, Missouri.

Butler earned a B.A. in English Literature and Religious Studies from Lindenwood University and an M.Div at Covenant Theological Seminary. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Modern Church History at Concordia Seminary (St. Louis).

He enjoys getting away by spending time behind a camera as a shutterbug and occasionally crafting poetry. A political junkie who generally keeps his partisan comments to himself, he instead enjoys badgering OFB’s Associate Editor, Jason Kettinger over his punditry from behind the scenes, a hobby he has been honing since their days in seminary together.

You can reach him at tbutler@ofb.biz or visit his web site at timothybutler.us.

Articles by Tim