
Entries Tagged 'Revelation'

This Time as Farce?

By Dennis E. Powell | Aug 31, 2022 at 8:58 PM

He who sits upon the throne in Revelation has a patent complaint against current events on Earth. “Behold, I make all things new” is how it’s put in Revelation 21:5. There’s another way of looking at it. The notoriously non-revelatory Karl Marx noted that history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce. As with most everything else (we have no reason to doubt that he spelled his name correctly), Marx was wrong in the particulars, though the general idea, that history repeats itself, has evidence in its support.

Episode 14: Music of the Spheres, the Minimum Wage and Maxed Out Macs

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Oct 28, 2021 at 2:04 PM

The Boys dig into Coldplay’s new album Music of the Spheres, preview the new supercharged Apple computers, consider privacy and surveillance online, debate the Minimum Wage and then spend some time in the Gospel of John and Revelation once again.

Episode 13: Reason, Revelation and 'Rithmetic

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Oct 22, 2021 at 8:20 PM

Your favorite snail of news and culture returns with an episode zipping through baseball drama with the firing of Mike Schildt, a deeper dive into arguments in the abortion debate (including how that intersects with disability), a discussion about the Chosen and other dramatizations of the life of Jesus and a hopeful reflection on what God accomplishes in Revelation 22.