
Episode 14: Music of the Spheres, the Minimum Wage and Maxed Out Macs

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 2:04 PM

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The Boys dig into Coldplay’s new album Music of the Spheres, preview the new supercharged Apple computers, consider privacy and surveillance online, debate the Minimum Wage and then spend some time in the Gospel of John and Revelation once again.

Show Notes

Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres

The Zippy Crew returns to the music front, looking at Coldplay’s new album. Tim is a longtime Coldplay fan and Jason… isn’t. So, what do they think of this new material from the Chris Martin-fronted band? They also talk about Dream Academy’s “Life in A Northern Town” and the Moody Blues’ Days of Future Passed.

Apple’s M1 Pro and M1 Max

Jason tolerates Tim going all geeky about the souped up new M1 Pro and M1 Max processors that Apple unveiled last week. These new high end MacBook Pros may or may not be for you, but the boys discuss how they speak to the overall changes in the tech universe and how amazing even the low end, quite affordable M1 Macs are compared to Intel computers. Tim also references Steve Job’s 2007 unveiling of the iPhone.

Online Privacy and Surveillance

Speaking of those changes, the Boys consider the continuing revelations of how much Big Tech tracks us and what we can do about it, pointing to some of the tips in Dennis E. Powell’s recent column. They also consider the Brave Browser and Search and the advantages of the Apple ecosystem, which sells products to you and doesn’t sell you to subsidize products.

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Musical Interlude

“Within These Walls” by Andrew Word.

Deep Space Nine and Broadchurch Teaser

Has Jason watched through Deep Space Nine yet? Has Tim watched Jason’s new favorite, Broadchurch?

Minimum Wage Policy

Tim and Jason debate over whether or not a minimum wage increase will help get more people to a “just wage” that they can live off of and support their families with. They make reference to the impact this has on jobs, such as MODOT Snow Plow drivers.

Sponsor: FaithTree Grow

How do we better know what the Bible says? By studying it ourselves and seeking out faithful men and women who help teach it to us. Check out the devotional tools of FaithTree Grow throughout the week for a wealth of resources to do just that.

Earthly Weddings, Heavenly Banquets

Jason turns us to John 2 and the Wedding at Cana to think about a foretaste of what Jesus will do for those who follow him and Tim connects that to the heavenly wedding feast in Revelation 19:6-9.

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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