
StarOffice 6.0 Beta is Out

By Timothy R. Butler | Posted at 9:20 PM

Sun has recently announced the release of StarOffice 6.0 Beta (see the full story here). At least according to the hype, StarOffice 6.0 should provide an excellent alternative to Microsoft Office, especially for those seeking to switch to Linux-based desktops.

StarOffice 6.0 is also noteworthy due to it's status as the first release based on code from the Sun-sponsored OpenOffice project. Some of the improvements in this release include elimination of the annoying “integrated desktop” feature, removal of some of the less useful components (such as the e-mail tool), and new Office XP-compatible import and export filters.

I was not successful at getting the Beta to work on my system so far, but I have heard good reports from others, so you may want to give it a try for yourself. You can download the entire suite at Sun's download site.