
Is Linux Your Next OS?

By Staff Staff | Posted at 9:37 PM

PCMag.com has an article from well known journalist John C. Dvorak that looks at why Linux may be in position to become a major desktop player. “Over the decades of desktop computing, we've witnessed one transition after another. We changed from 5.25-inch floppy disks to 3.5-inch floppy disks to no floppy disks. We moved from the CP/M machine to the IBM machine to the PC clone and from the dot matrix printer to laser and ink jet printers. We changed from the command line OS to the GUI.

“The steadiest player has been Microsoft, as the provider of DOS and then the many versions of the Windows OS. But the buzz has long since abated. There's nothing jazzy about Microsoft anymore, and it even seems stodgy. Enter Linux, which is the center of attention right now. But what are its chances of supplanting Windows as the most common OS on the desktop?”

“I sense that Linux is at a crossroads of becoming very important or becoming a footnote in desktop OS history. Right now, I'm banking on it becoming very important-and I mean on the desktop.”

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