
Why Linux will Prevail (on the Desktop)

By Staff Staff | Posted at 3:39 PM

ZDNet News is carrying an interesting commentary presenting reasons why the Linux desktop will succeed.
“The idea expressed in many articles—that GNU/Linux is good for servers but not for the desktop—is a joke. The fact is, Linux will prevail. “

“If you haven't tried a recent Linux distribution, you will be pleasantly surprised at its evolution. Installing SuSE 7.3, Red Hat 7.2, Mandrake 8.1, Lycoris DesktopLX or Caldera 3.1 is as easy as installing Windows. Recent Linux distributions, with the KDE and GNOME desktops, are so user-friendly that one might ask who needs Microsoft Windows? Each system can be installed without harming Windows. Thus a user can experiment with Linux while using Windows. I support disseminating Linux as freely as AOL does its CDs.” “Quite a few distributions of the Linux desktop are close to becoming products that can successfully compete against Microsoft Windows. And it's about time. The last thing we need is an economy dependent upon proprietary tools to perform common computer functions. Linux systems are evolving at a rapid rate and can be expected to provide the first universal (non-proprietary) operating system and tool assortment for the average desktop user. “

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