
Linux Open Services

By Staff Staff | Posted at 1:56 PM

From the NewsForge.net article - “Here's the scenario: I sit down to my desktop computer and plug my Sharp Zaurus Linux-powered handheld into its base station. An applet in my panel starts flashing the word “syncing” and a progress bar starts creeping — 1%, 2%, 10% … Without giving the syncing operation another thought I click on the devices folder in Nautilus. “

“There, sitting before me, are icons for my printer, scanner, TiVo and my Zaurus. I need to get a hard copy of the Word file I had loaded on my Zaurus at work. I could go searching for it in my sync folder but another glance at the applet tells me it isn't done yet. Clicking on my Zaurus icon shows me a nice layout of virtual directories making it easy to find my file. I click on documents and then Word files. There it is! Dragging the file to the printer icon automatically opens up a copy of Star Office and prints out the document. “

The article goes on to describe the problems that we are currently having and what we can do about them.