
Sun Announces Major Linux Support

By Staff Staff | Posted at 6:57 PM

LinuxDevices.com is running an article on Sun Microsystem's recent pro-Linux announcements. “In a major Linux strategy announcement, Sun Microsystems today aligned itself with Linux stalwarts IBM and Hewlett-Packard by throwing its weight behind Linux. Specifically Sun said it will … dramatically expand its line of Sun Cobalt Linux appliances and will introduce a new family of low-end general purpose Linux/x86-based systems.”

“Mehra said that although Sun has been using Linux as the core operating system platform of the Sun Cobalt Qube products since its acquisition of Cobalt Networks, the new server products being announced today represent an extension of the Cobalt family which substantially extends the range of Sun's Linux-based products. “ “Like IBM and HP, Sun intends to make significant contributions of key technologies to Linux. 'Linux enhancements will be provided back to the community,' said Mehra, adding that 'this is a statement of direction, and won't happen over night.'”

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