
InfoWorld: Linux is Ready for Deployment

By Staff Staff | Posted at 5:58 PM

InfoWorld currently has a review of both RedHat, Inc. and SuSE GmbH's respective Linux offerings. The outcome? The reviewers give a big green light for deployment of both distributions. “[M]any companies are continuing to adopt Linux and its promise of a more-economical, yet full-featured computing platform.”

“If your business relies on Linux servers to perform important tasks and you're concerned about minimizing downtime (who isn't?), then Red Hat Linux 7.2 may be just what you've been looking for. The new release contains a plethora of new features designed to provide faster performance, greater reliability, and less downtime.” “The new products scored well in our tests; each earning a Deploy rating. So impressive are the new OSes, in fact, that they could even persuade dyed-in-the-wool Windows disciples to make the switch. Imagine that.”

Read the Full Review