
Tech Investor on Apple

By Staff Staff | Posted at 5:48 PM

A growing number of computer users, fed up with the attacks on Windows computers, have been buying or at least taking a look at buying Macintosh computers from Apple Computer. Even USA TODAY's own tech columnist, Kevin Maney, recently wrote about how his Windows computer was taken down by malicious code.

Certainly, in the short-term, this is very good news for Apple. Consumers that previously wouldn't have even given Apple a thought are giving it serious consideration. The impressive new iMac is also certain to wow consumers and win over more former Windows users. And don't forget the iPod. The successful digital music player from Apple is getting more college students to consider buying a matching Apple PC, instead of a Windows machine. Part of this may explain why Apple shares were up a staggering 74% as of late September, compared to the 5.8% decline of the Nasdaq composite index.