
CodeWeavers Shows Off iTunes Support

By Staff Staff | Posted at 12:31 PM

We've been working on iTunes support for several months now, and
progress has been steady, but we're plagued by speed and memory
performance problems.

Rather than sit on what we have, we've decided to go ahead and build
an iTunes release and share it with our customers today — we're
motivated in part to satisfy your clamoring, and in part by our desire
to have something splashy to show off at Linux World today. Also, as a
special bonus, Huw is committing a patch right this second which is
rumored to make iTunes run much much faster, almost usably fast.

So, with any luck, by the time I finish writing this email I'll have
a build ready to put up on our download site. There are a few caveats,
though. The iTunes Music Store should work fine, but we don't currently
support iPods or CD-burning. Also, because there are still iTunes
patches going into our code at this, the very last minute, we definitely
don't have time to test support for all the other fine applications that
generally run under Crossover.