
ARM7/uClinux kit supports Xilinx CPLD

By Staff Staff | Posted at 10:48 AM

Wiscore Inc. (Taipei, Taiwan) announced support for incorporating the Xilinx XC95288XL CPLD into uClinux/ARM7-based embedded systems and devices. The support consists of a “CPLD daughter board” that plugs into the expansion connector of Wiscore's NET-Start! platform, an ARM7/uClinux embedded system development kit. The daughter board includes a Xilinx XC95288XL CPLD, a JTAG port, a 7-segment LED, a clock generator, 4 LED Displays, 4 push buttons, 4 slide switches, and a parallel port, Wiscore said.

Wiscore introduced the NET-Start! development kit last year. The hardware/software kit includes a single-board computer based on a 50 MHz Samsung S3C4510B (ARM7TDMI) system-on-chip processor and is supplied with uClinux preinstalled, the company said.