
Review: TextMaker, powerful standalone Linux word processor

By Staff Staff | Posted at 6:32 PM

Readers who have endured my writing over the years know that there is no piece of software more important to me than the word processor. They also know that I've never found a Linux-native word processor that I didn't think fell short in one important way or another.

In those many years I've come to truly love a couple of word processors (the old Textra for DOS and DeScribe for OS/2) and have liked a couple others (the word processor in GeoWorks was not too bad and — you won't believe it, but it's true — Microsoft Word 5.5 for DOS was a completely competent program, as was “Signature,” the result of a collaboration between IBM and XyQuest). I despaired of ever finding a Linux word processor that I loved. After a week of intense use of TextMaker, I can without qualification plight my troth to it. I love this thing.