
Debian on Steroids II: The Libranet Workout

By Staff Staff | Posted at 4:09 PM

Libranet is a commercial Debian distribution. If you hold the belief that Debian Linux is genuine only if it doesn't cost anything, then read no further. Commercial Debian distributions do, indeed, exist. Some, such as Storm, Progeny and Corel Linux, have come and gone, whether for good reasons or bad, but Libranet and Xandros (as well as the Xandros derivative Lindows) are still around. How long they exist depends, of course, on whether Linux users feel such distributions are worth paying for.

The installation utility remains classic Libranet, meaning it's basically interactive text with automatic hardware detection. Libranet veterans will be pleasantly surprised when, after the base system is installed and rebooted, Libranet configures video. Fans of nVIDIA will be pleased to know that Libranet offers to install the accelerated nVIDIA drivers without having to go through the download and compile ritual. Also new is the facility for setting display text DPI proportionate to the selected resolution and the monitor's diagonal dimension.