Review of SuSE 8.1 Professional

By Staff Staff | Posted at 11:57 PM

Over at OSNews, they take a look at SuSE's new SuSE Linux 8.1 release. “The SuSE installation is not exactly what I would call 'self-explanatory'. Newbies would most certainly have a hard time at specific points throughout the installation. I am not sure I am very fond of the way SuSE expects you to click to different parts of the installation instead of going step by step. It looks like a web page and by clicking on different links it gets you in different parts of the installation. This has its ups and downs. It easily lets you go back and fix something that you might have done wrong, but on the other hand, it is not the most obvious way of doing things. At some points, it was not very obvious what one had to do. I also found it to have lots of micro-management to do. In other cases, I found this to be a good thing, but on others not. I feel that the 'micro-management' part should have been only visible after clicking an 'Advanced' button or something similar. “

“The installer successfully found all my hardware and configured both my sound cards, networking, graphics card. I installed SuSE on this machine while I still had the (loaned) 24” SGI monitor and SuSE either wouldn't give me a 1920×1200 resolution. Entering the right sync and requested resolution, it would only give me that resolution at the low 73 Hz, as on Red Hat 8. SuSE 8.1 comes with 2D drivers for the nvidia drivers, but a note in the SAX2 tool said that SuSE offers nvidia 3D drivers via the online update. “

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