gobeProductive Joins OpenOffice as Free Software

By Staff Staff | Posted at 1:06 AM

In an interview at OSNews, it has come out that the new owners of the gobeProductive office suite for Windows and Linux, plan to place the package under the GPL license. “FreeRadicalSoftware's business plan requires them to GPL the popular office suite, allowing everyone to access gobeProductive's source for Windows, Linux and even BeOS. The official announcement is expected next week. FreeRadicalSoftware was created recently by the ex-boss of Gobe Software, Bruce Hammond, and some other ex-Gobe and non-Gobe people. Read more for our exclusive interview with Bruce regarding the open sourcing of GP3 under the GPL.

Since we are wanting to use the technology to make specialized products with custom features for “niche” market areas, it makes tremendous sense to release the underling technololgy as an OpenSource product. We can get lots of contribution from the community to improve that app, to do localized versions, the help port it to other platforms, etc. We stand to benefit tremendously from the GPL licensing..

I think it will take 90 -120 days before the broad public sees the GPL'd software. Some people will see it before that date as we work to roll it out.

Read the Full Interview