


Entries Tagged 'Video'

Pixel Voical Wireless Mic System

A Highly Portable Wireless Mic for Your Camera

By Timothy R. Butler | May 10, 2021 at 12:53 PM

Can an affordable and seemingly misspelled wireless mic system help you with your live streams, Zoom meetings and other audio and video projects? We’ll find out as OFB Labs puts the Pixel’s Voical (sic) Wireless Mic system to the test.

A Look at the Weeylite Sprite 20 Light Kit

The Impressively Light Lights for Photo and Video

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 10, 2021 at 9:30 PM

If you are new to photography or videography, it is easy to overlook the importance of lighting in producing truly great results. Advances driven by machine learning photography from Apple and Google are seriously reducing the utter necessity of lighting in many situations, but if you are aiming for the best quality video, pushing your live stream into pro territory or leveraging light for artistic photography, lighting gear is your friend. And an affordable set from the maker of Viltrox lenses is a really good way to get started.