
Entries Tagged 'Peace'

Peace on Earth

By Timothy R. Butler | Dec 27, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Christmas Day was this week and, I hope, at least some of our OFB readers are continuing the celebration with the Twelve Days of Christmas. As we do and as a New Year beckons, what do we carry from this holiday time into life?

The Sweetness of Time

By Melanie Haynes | Mar 22, 2023 at 5:49 PM

This morning, I filled the sugar bowl. It was amazing. I paused for a moment, reveling in the luxury of having the time to spend on such a simple thing. A month ago, I would have let it sit empty for days —- possibly weeks. I would have chugged my morning coffee with a little extra creamer, telling myself, “I’ll get to it later, when I have enough time,” knowing full well that I would never have enough time.