
Entries Tagged 'Election 2020'

My Take on the Vice Presidential Debate

By Jason Kettinger | Oct 09, 2020 at 11:38 AM

In terms of civility, style, and substance, this debate was light-years ahead of the presidential contest last week. I suppose we should be thankful, but it feels perverse to reward those who have lowered the bar enough to finally step over it.

A Horrible Debate Provided Cover for a Horrible Idea

By E. Ryan Haffner | Sep 30, 2020 at 11:42 AM

Joe Biden could easily take the award for the rudest Presidential candidate in debate in my memory. Put the Vice President up against past nominees and that would be nearly undeniable. Except that he was debating the President, who didn’t want to lose out on that award. Most disturbingly, in that melee, the President’s horrid performance allowed one of the worst ideas ever brought up on a debate floor to slide by and it could easily mean we all lose.

I Don’t Want to Vote Biden. Here’s Why I Will.

By Jason Kettinger | Sep 24, 2020 at 9:59 AM

You know, I don’t agree with Joe Biden about abortion, the redefinition of marriage— and it’s important to call it that— and so-called “religious liberty”. I voted for George W. Bush twice. I’m voting for Joe Biden.

I Don’t Want to Vote Trump. Here’s Why I Will.

By E. Ryan Haffner | Sep 08, 2020 at 4:19 PM

I have a confession to make that will make virtually everyone mad. I think Donald Trump is uncouth, has worsened the political discourse in our country and continually says things about everyone from POW’s to immigrants that make me cringe. I am also planning to follow up my 2016 vote for the man with a 2020 vote for the same. Yes, I am amongst the reluctant Trump voters and here’s why.