
Entries Tagged 'Cooking'

This is the Kind of Cookie I Want

By Timothy R. Butler | Aug 30, 2023 at 11:44 PM

I’ve embarked on an important research project to further humanity’s understanding of the world. A project to delve deep into one of life’s most important questions. One that furthers the far reaches of science. One that helps to better understand… the chocolate chip cookie.

Requiem for a Microwave

It May Want to Kill Me, But... Burritos.

By Jason Kettinger | Apr 05, 2021 at 10:57 AM

I don’t want to step on Mr. Powell’s toes, or encroach upon his territory as OFB’s crackpot-at-large, but I’ve got a splinter in my brain, and we’re going to talk about it. I’ve had one of those 1200-watt microwaves for ages. I used to call it “Satan’s microwave,” because if I followed the instructions on any package of food, I would be waiting 5 to 7 minutes minimum before I could reasonably attempt to eat whatever I put in there. You can adjust the cooking time, as is often advised, but you are playing with fire, or ice, as the case may be.