Articles by Timothy R. Butler

Timothy R. Butler is Editor-in-Chief of Open for Business. He also serves as a pastor at Little Hills Church and FaithTree Christian Fellowship.

You are viewing page 39 of 44. Office Suite Hits Version 1.0

By Timothy R. Butler | May 01, 2002 at 11:38 PM, the open source foundation of Sun's StarOffice 6 office suite, announced the availability of its 1.0 release today. While the suite has been stable for a few months, this release no doubt symbolizes its readiness to move from the developer to the consumer.

Win4Lin 4.0 Workstation Released

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 29, 2002 at 8:20 PM

NeTraverse announced today the release of Win4Lin 4.0 Workstation Edition, the fourth generation of the SCO Merge-based Windows-on-Linux software. Win4Lin is similar in concept to VMware, except that it focuses purely on running Windows 9x, and as such has been known to run Windows applications at close to native speeds.

Open Source is Like Water (Part 1)

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 28, 2002 at 5:23 PM

Earlier today I was sitting at a restaurant with my fiancé (who I refer to as Wife 2.0 Release Candidate 1 to my technically inclined friends) and she asked me what was in the bag that I had brought home with me from work today. I told her that it is the latest distribution of SuSE Linux that I had purchased at CompUSA.

KOffice 1.2 Beta Released

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 25, 2002 at 11:42 PM

The KOffice team announced the availability of KOffice 1.2 Beta 1
late this afternoon. The long anticipated beta, the first major
release of the open source office suite this year, brings many
improvements that greatly increase KOffice's usefulness.

MandrakeSoft, SuSE Move Forward

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 22, 2002 at 5:21 PM

The two Linux distributions best known for Desktop-computing focus both started shipping new releases of their respective packages today. With large strides in usability being made in the last few months, these distributions promise to continue the drive toward the open source desktop.

OEone HomeBase Offers Computing, Simplified

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 11, 2002 at 10:26 PM

Many companies have attempted to make computing easier - the latest releases of most Linux distributions, Apple Mac OS, and Windows all showcase different companies' varying visions on how to reach that goal. However, on closer inspection, one realizes that in fact all these different approaches really are not that different at all.

KDE 3.0 Konquerors the World

By Timothy R. Butler | Apr 04, 2002 at 1:09 AM

The KDE Project announced today the availability of KDE 3.0. The project's next generation desktop offers numerous enhancements and upgrades built on top of the excellent foundation that was launched a year and a half ago with KDE 2.0.

Getting Started with Gnu Privacy Guard

By Timothy R. Butler | Mar 21, 2002 at 11:17 PM

With increasingly important communications taking place using e-mail, the ability to verify the authenticity, and also
protect the contents, of such correspondence has become something that everyone should know. However, the tools created
to provide PGP security are generally cryptic and difficult to work with.

MandrakeSoft Releases Mandrake Linux 8.2

By Timothy R. Butler | Mar 18, 2002 at 6:05 PM

Linux distributor and services company MandrakeSoft SA unveiled the final release of Mandrake Linux 8.2 today. The release, code named “bluebird,” promises to bring Linux on to the business desktop with its well-polished user interface and robust administration tools.

International Ad Agency Chooses Linux

By Timothy R. Butler | Feb 28, 2002 at 6:33 PM
NewsForge is carrying a joint press release from SteelEye Technology and IBM about the adoption of Linux for web hosting services by the third largest international advertising agency. "BBDO INTERACTIVE provides complete Web hosting and infrastructure solutions for customers who require 99.99% and even higher level availability for their business-critical applications," said Andreas Walter, IT Manager for BBDO INTERACTIVE. "The integrated IBM xSeries server solution and SteelEye LifeKeeper clustering software offerings on Linux provide us with the ability to rapidly deploy and easily manage our platforms, all with a price/performance advantage that's unbeatable."
You are viewing page 39 of 44.