[CS-FSLUG] OT: Elderly couple

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sat Feb 28 11:00:32 CST 2009

Davo Smith wrote:
> Fred,
> I keep wanting to get annoyed at these off-topic jokes you have been
> sending around recently.
> However, I keep finding that, despite disagreeing with you about
> Obama, global warming, gun ownership (and probably a great many other
> issues), we seem to share a common sense of humour... :-))
> (oh and having a Lord and Saviour in common, helps as well)

'Sure does! I'm convinced God did create humor...it's a gift and one
that should be enjoyed! As to the things we don't agree on, I think in
time will deal with you on those. I'm older than you, probably by quite
a bit, and learned to be a truth seeker first and foremost, NO MATTER
about dogma nor idealism, which is close to having a mental disorder. ;)


"The fundamental premise of liberalism is the moral incapacity
of the American people." ~ Alan Keyes

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