[CS-FSLUG] OT: Court: State trashed church's 1st Amendment rights! EXCELLENT!!!

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Fri Feb 27 17:40:53 CST 2009

The court opinion said, "The Church argues that it cannot
constitutionally be subjected to the disclosure and reporting
requirements applicable to 'incidental political committees' under
Montana law on the sole basis of its activities of de minimis economic
effect in connection with the Battle for Marriage event and related
petition – signing efforts in support of CI-96. It argues, inter alia,
that, as applied to its activities, the Montana statute is impermissibly
vague. We agree in part with the Church's vagueness claim and hold that,
as applied to (1) the placement of the petition in its foyer and (2)
Stumberg's exhortation to sign the petition in support of CI-96 during a
regularly scheduled Sunday service, the Commission's interpretation of
'inkind Expenditures' is unconstitutionally vague. We also agree that
the designation of the Church as an 'incidental Committee' because of
its one-time, in-kind 'expenditures' of de minimis economic effect
violates the Church's First Amendment free speech rights."

The judge said broadcast stations, newspapers, magazines and other
operations are exempt from such reporting requirements, and so should a


The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money.
  -  Margaret Thatcher

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