[CS-FSLUG] PD: Re: TOTAL control over ALL media, including the Net!! It's coming!!

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Feb 23 20:06:57 CST 2009

Jon Glass wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Timothy Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz> wrote:
>>  It sounds pretty well like the fairness doctrine is dead, since President
>> Obama nixed the idea of bringing it back.
> The only thing that Obama would be opposed to, is using the _name_
> "Fairness doctrine". That's a hot-button issue. So, they will simply
> give it a different name, and different form of implementation, and
> viola! It's back in force! That's how the Dems roll, man. Look at
> illegal immigration, health care--any issue. They never truly give up.

QUITE right! It's not a matter of will it happen, but WHEN it will
happen, and
"who" will do it....like the FCC. Obama and his henchmen now are being a
rock and a hard place. They are moving FAST to bring out nation into being
a Marxist regime. In order to do this, there are a number of things that
be done, and one of them is to silence dissent!! Another is to disarm
us. One
thing I don't think the fools planned on, are states who WON'T go along
the Fed., OR will seceded. Texas has that provision in their state
and IS discussing doing just that! There IS going to be a VERY large revolt
coming for a LOT of different reasons and they simply AREN'T going to be
able to contain it, I don't think.


"The fundamental premise of liberalism is the moral incapacity
of the American people." ~ Alan Keyes

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