[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Karl Kleinpaste karl at kleinpaste.org
Fri May 13 08:20:04 CDT 2011

Timothy Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz> writes:
> I am happily out of the E-Free for theological reasons, in addition to
> the others. I am much better suited to the Presbyterian world where I
> basically belonged.

My previous church was an E-Free as well; we left for reasons of
inconsistency and what had become an excess of machinery, as it grew
into a local approximation of a megachurch.

I have determined that I am best suited to non-denom environments, and
to very, very small local bodies.  The tendency of humans to gravitate
to positions of ephemeral power is far too prominent and annoying.

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