[CS-FSLUG] National Safety Council Urges Total Ban on Cell Use While Driving

Stephen J. McCracken smccracken at hcjb.org.ec
Tue Jan 20 19:33:04 CST 2009

>> Just to make us think:
>>> I don't agree with any restriction...
>> ...on doing "x" while driving.
>> ...on whether I marry someone of the same sex.
>> ...on whether a homosexual adopts a child.
>> ...on whether a woman has an abortion.
>>> Its micromanaging our [lives].

Maybe a little bit as I did take what you said to the next logical step,
but I think much of what we say, we say from the gut without really
thinking about it and the implications of it.  And we don't always think
about how our Christianity might influence what we really *should* be

If you think about it, the Law of the Old Testament really did get into
the lives of people restricting what they ought to do at a micromanaging
level some might say.  How much of that applies to our lives now, could
be discussed and I meant the above to help us think along those lines.

> Like I said, I am pro-life. I believe that a person's rights end where
> another's begins. [snip] So when rights are in conflict, life issues trump all others,
> then contractual arrangements between the parties, and after that it
> comes down to property ownership.

This could very well be said in the issue of driving while {drinking,
talking on a cell phone, reading, putting on make-up, etc}.  If what one
is doing is greatly endangering others' lives, should he be allowed to
do it?

> My responses are not comprehensive, but should be considered some food
> for thought.

Well, that was the main purpose of my post.


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