[CS-FSLUG] Qt relicensed as LGPL

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Sun Jan 18 14:54:14 CST 2009

> Let's hope Chrome improve the state of things. It's Google backed and
> its rendering engine is WebKit, so let's hope standards compliance  
> gets
> better.

	Incidentally, the most recent version of Safari gets a 73/100 on  
Acid3 versus 72/100 on Firefox. So, at least in "released to market"  
versions of Gecko and WebKit, the difference is negligible.

	(Not, again, to say I dislike WebKit in the least, but I have a hard  
time coming up with complaints for for Firefox, especially since no  
one else other than Microsoft has figured out how to market a browser  
so well, and marketing is what FOSS needs most, perhaps.)


Timothy R. Butler | "Bad is so bad, that we cannot but think good
Editor, OfB.biz   | an accident;  good is so  good, that  we feel
tbutler at ofb.biz   | certain that evil could be explained."
timothybutler.us  |                           -- G. K. Chesterton

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