Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Tue Oct 28 15:42:45 CDT 2008

> That was great. But on the last comment, any and all people may find
> themselves in a situation where they choose to say (or not to say)
> what ever is necessary to get their point across, believing that in
> the end they can achieve the best outcome for everyone.  John McCain
> has done this and has allowed his campaign to do even worse. And yes,
> I place that squarely on his shoulders because he is the candidate and
> at this point, leader of the Republican Party, thereby all
> subordinates and the RNC should be following his wishes concerning
> this campaign.

	I'm wondering what makes you say John McCain has been willing to do  
or say anything? He's actually one of the most reserved candidates  
I've seen (and I follow elections not only as an interested partisan  
but a political junkie).


Timothy R. Butler | "Philosophy  always  requires  something  more,
Editor, OfB.biz   | requires the eternal,  the true, in contrast to
tbutler at ofb.biz   | which even the fullest existence as such is but
timothybutler.us  | a happy moment."
                                                -- Søren Kierkegaard

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