EnzoAeneas enzoaeneas at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 15:25:18 CDT 2008

I do not know if I would say that John McCain is reserved in this
campaign; I would agree with that more when looking at past elections
and even the early parts of this one.
But, I do need to modify that comment of mine with regards to John
McCain and restate it this way:
He has shown over the course of this campaign that he is willing to
use tactics and methods that he himself may not comfortable with for
the sake of political expediency. I have heard this from a couple
Republic/right-leaning pundits and it was not meant as a slight when
they said it either. It was an observation that McCain has felt
compelled by the necessity of winning to engage in activities or
associations that he would not have chosen himself were he not running
for President and that he may actually communicates this in the manner
in which he carries these activities out. Saying that "he would do
anything" is a gross hyperbole, especially in these times when we have
seen how far some people have been willing to go to achieve their
ends. I apologize for that.

That is not to say that Barak Obama has not done so himself; again I
am not here to defend Obama.
I tend to pick on McCain more because in my mind he has seemed to be a
more thoughtful person, with more experience and exposure to
corruption and ill-dealings, and has actually vocally spoken out
against the same tactics that he now employs. This hypocrisy is more
disturbing to me than others though, and maybe it is because of its
magnitude and consequences known and unknown; at the very least it is
greatly disappointing.  I mentioned either in this thread or another
that HE IS the elder Statesman and Christian. His example and
testimony should better reflect experience and wisdom.

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Timothy Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz> wrote:
>> That was great. But on the last comment, any and all people may find
>> themselves in a situation where they choose to say (or not to say)
>> what ever is necessary to get their point across, believing that in
>> the end they can achieve the best outcome for everyone.  John McCain
>> has done this and has allowed his campaign to do even worse. And yes,
>> I place that squarely on his shoulders because he is the candidate and
>> at this point, leader of the Republican Party, thereby all
>> subordinates and the RNC should be following his wishes concerning
>> this campaign.
>        I'm wondering what makes you say John McCain has been willing to do
> or say anything? He's actually one of the most reserved candidates I've seen
> (and I follow elections not only as an interested partisan but a political
> junkie).
>        -Tim
> ---
> Timothy R. Butler | "Philosophy  always  requires  something  more,
> Editor, OfB.biz   | requires the eternal,  the true, in contrast to
> tbutler at ofb.biz   | which even the fullest existence as such is but
> timothybutler.us  | a happy moment."
>                                               -- Søren Kierkegaard
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