EnzoAeneas enzoaeneas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 12:54:28 CDT 2008

That was great. But on the last comment, any and all people may find
themselves in a situation where they choose to say (or not to say)
what ever is necessary to get their point across, believing that in
the end they can achieve the best outcome for everyone.  John McCain
has done this and has allowed his campaign to do even worse. And yes,
I place that squarely on his shoulders because he is the candidate and
at this point, leader of the Republican Party, thereby all
subordinates and the RNC should be following his wishes concerning
this campaign.

That aside, the argument of "the end justifies the means" is in and of
itself a denial of, or at the very least a departure from, GOD's
power, providence, and wisdom. To think that one must say or do
anything to achieve your objective is a terrible blight upon our

What I feel is unfortunate is that we continue to discuss these
elections and candidates outside of the context of our Lord and HIS
word. If we are going to discuss issues these issues, we should see
what the Bible says about each approach. Both men are sinners, no more
and no less than you or I or that thief that hung on the cross next
Christ, so both are just as unworthy of salvation as any of us, but
can receive it the same way as we did: by the Grace of GOD and faith.
So comparing them and attempting to figure out which one has more
integrity or is more presidential is foolishness. Obviously both have
leadership qualities and flaws, so it comes down to issues. NO matter
the outcome, GOD is still on the throne and HIS will rules no matter

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Jon Glass <jonglass at usa.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 6:11 PM, EnzoAeneas <enzoaeneas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> anyone else have other sources?
> I'm not even going to jump in on this debate, but just say that it
> doesn't matter what any web site claims, because the truth is, Obama's
> plan isn't worth a hill of bean--nor one bean, even. For that matter,
> neither is McCain's. They don't write the laws, Congress does. They
> can proffer, but it's up to the apes in Congress to do the typing on
> their typewriters to make the laws. You can bet that whatever is
> proposed by Obama or McCain will have no bearing on the final
> bill--and worse, both men know this--and so should we.
> Worse, when it comes to Obama, he's already proved himself willing to
> say anything for the sake of the election. It's a waste of your time
> to even compare the two!
> --
>  -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <jonglass at usa.net>
> "I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus
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