[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Stephen J. McCracken smccracken at hcjb.org.ec
Sun Apr 6 22:34:24 CDT 2008

>> Time will tell, of course, but if they *do* go that way, then yeah, I
>> can see a lot of people saying enough is enough.

> Sometimes I wonder where people get their information from. Apple has 
> historically broken backward compatibility with new versions of their 
> OS, including within different versions of OS X and people have never 
> reacted to it the way they did with Vista.

The difference is that a lot of the people who use Windows usually are
the mass-market "sheep" mentality.  They use it because it is what they
know and what their friends know and what came with their computer.
Many of them don't really know there is an alternative.

Apple users are those who *chose* to use Apple and are therefore
typically more loyal.  Ditto those who use Linux.

Because of the first paragraph, I don't see a lot of people moving from
Windows even if Vista is bad.  It's what came with their computer and
though they may gripe and complain, they'll try to get used to it and
finally MS will have another captured audience.

Pessimist or realist?  You tell me.


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