[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Vincent Danen vdanen at linsec.ca
Sun Apr 6 20:04:12 CDT 2008

* [2008-04-06 00:49:29 -0600] Nathan T. wrote:

[...much on Vista snipped...]

>On a side note: what the majority of the people in this list describe as 
>their typical usage of Linux just isn't right for me. I do want to get 
>away from the farce that is Microsoft's EULA and this whole notion of 
>licensing software, but Linux as a whole just doesn't feel like a stable 
>environment to me yet. Ubuntu has come close and that is why I'm running 
>it on one of my computers; when I feel confident that my files are safe, 
>that my hardware will work without too much effort, that I have the 
>software that I need, and that I can carry all that over from one 
>release to another without loosing anything then I will be happy. That 
>has happened for some people already, but not for me. I still can't get 
>Ubuntu to use my NVidia 6200 video card in a dual head configuration, 
>and I still can't get Ubuntu to connect to my home wireless network 
>using that Linksys card I purchased quite some time ago. I could 
>probably get it to work with what some people might call "hacking", but 
>while I expect that to be possible in well made software, I also expect 
>it not to be necessary.

I'll agree with you here, for the most part.  When I got into Linux 8-9
years ago (or more now), half the fun was tinkering.  I was also younger
then and was getting paid to thinker.  Fast-forward about 5-6 years and
I was no longer being paid to tinker (but rather to support and QA), and
I was getting tired of tinkering (too much time spent on tinkering, too
little time spent on my new daughter).  At that point I made the move to
OS X as my primary desktop OS and haven't looked back.  For much the
same reasons you're citing above.  Windows I absolutely cannot do.  And
I've tried... =)  Cygwin, the extras, you name it... it still doesn't
come nearly as useful to me as Linux or OS X.  I guess at heart I'm pure

Now, because I do have to do QA and support for a variety of Mandriva
versions, I usually do most of my work in vmware as it makes hardware
and peripherals a complete non-issue, although I do have a desktop and
two laptops that run it for further "real world" testing.

I'd say Linux has gotten pretty darn good in the last 1-2 years, even
more so than it was before.  I expect in another 2-3 years it will be on
par with Windows and OS X in terms of hardware support and I'm hoping
likewise in terms of a good functional GUI (there are just too many
things about OS X that I can't live without and would prevent me from
going back to Linux as a primary desktop until replacements for these
software packages are found).  Even then, I suspect I'll still be using
my mac as it's the only platform that truly allows me to run any OS I
want and when I want -- OS X, Linux, *BSD, Windows... I can (and do) run
them all on my mac pro.  I wouldn't give that up.

So, yeah, I totally get your point.  For me, Linux on servers (which is
my biggest interest anyways and where I'm still tinkering) is the best
thing since sliced bread and has been for quite a few years.  The
desktop for me (with my "it absolutely must work and be stable, no if's
and's or but's" attitude) just isn't there yet.

Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/
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