[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sat Apr 5 15:05:52 CDT 2008

Vincent Danen wrote:
> * [2008-04-05 12:56:41 -0600] Nathan T. wrote:
>> Vincent Danen wrote:
>>> Well, with Windows 7 supposedly not backwards compatible, I imagine a
>>> lot of people will be sticking with XP or jumping ship so that they can
>>> continue using their invested software via WINE.  Time will tell.
>> I remember seeing an article along those lines on Slashdot a while 
>> ago. The only problem was that it was from an unknown source, the site 
>> they linked to only had two articles in total that I could find, and 
>> there is no reason to believe that any of it was more than wishful 
>> thinking. When Microsoft comes out and says that they're going to have 
>> drastic compatibility problems then I'll be inclined to believe it; 
>> but so far there just isn't sufficient cause for me to think of it as 
>> any more than a rumour from a very questionable web-site. Even the 
>> Slashdot readers were pointing out that there were to facts to support 
>> what the site said.
> I don't recall where I read it, but it was just a few days ago that they
> were talking about Windows 7 and these compatibility issues.
> Mind you, if you look at software compatibility under Vista, which I've
> heard can be pretty rough for older programs, then the modular system
> they're thinking of for Windows 7 will probably be worse.
> Time will tell, of course, but if they *do* go that way, then yeah, I
> can see a lot of people saying enough is enough.

They are now.......already started. Knowing what is going on a Novell 
and the SUSE teams, I am quite confidant that the next release of 
openSUES (11.0) around the end of this June, WILL have as good or better 
hardware support than Vista.

Fred  "Molon Labe"

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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