[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Apr 6 09:27:30 CDT 2008

Nathan T. wrote:
> Vincent Danen wrote:
>> Is the 64bit version dramatically different from the 32bit version,
>> besides being able to access more RAM?  To be honest, I've had not too
>> many bad experiences with 64bit Linux, although granted I only really
>> use Mandriva so can't speak for the other distros.  A few versions ago
>> (so a couple years I guess), the 64bit versions were pretty rough, but
>> the last year and a half or so I've not noticed a huge difference
>> between the two beyond browser plugin compatibility.
> Honestly, I have no hard information to turn to when I say that the 64 
> bit version of Vista is better. The only think I can go by is my own 
> experience. The drivers were all available from manufacturers (except 
> Palm), and the majority of the software I used was compatible with the 
> 64 bit version of Vista. Honestly though, I had a lot fewer inexplicable 
> crashes and the computer seemed to run quite a bit faster after I 
> switched to the 64 bit version.


I've had the TOTAL opposite experience!! Vista is a disaster! It's so 
hardware and application UNfriendly, I now refuse to support it - 
PERIOD! I replace it, but WON'T support it.


Fred  "Molon Labe"

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Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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