[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

Chris Brault groundhog3000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 22 16:30:22 CST 2005


> Truth is truth, whether it is gleaned from the Bible

> or from the laws of nature.  Just because we don't
> quote Scripture in our arguments doesn't mean God 
> can't work through them to bring conviction 
> to people's hearts.  I think it's more compassionate
> to inform someone of the health risks associated 
> with their behavior than to throw the Bible at them,

> so to speak.

I am more of an AIG type person. I admit my bias then
state my reasons. The "Intelligent Design" movement
includes muslims, JW's and other non-christian groups.
I am not a member of the ID movement. I am a member of
the creationist movement based solely on the bible and
science. I will not compromise on the Bible (I must
have watched "Time Changers" too many times). Perhaps
we should remember that if an evil spirit leaves a
man, he will return someday and bring along spirits
worse than himself. 

As for laws ... no, you can't legislate morality. If
the people will not obey the laws on their own, your
only choice is with a foot on their necks (and that is
why democracies turn into dictatorships). So, should
we restrict behavior, indeed we should for the purpose
of preserving society:

Marriage is a privaledge (not a right) invented to
make the raising of children and the preservation of
the structure of society possible. We are not denying
gays the right of marriage, it's that the purpose of
marriage exclues them by defination.

And killing your wife is still murder in our country.

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