[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

K Montgomery keltik at nycap.rr.com
Mon Mar 21 23:22:05 CST 2005

Brian Derr wrote:

>To sum things up I find homosexual marriage to be wrong according to the
>spiritual law of God.  I cannot, however, in good conscience hold a
>person accountable to the law of God unless they believe in said law.  I
>do not believe in the laws of Saudi Arabia and would not expect to be
>held accountable to their punishments living here in the United States.
>Why is it different when it becomes an eternity issue?  They are not
>members of the eternal heaven of God and His laws so why are we, as
>humans, trying to obtain the right to hold them responsible to said law
>through something as stupid as civil government?
This is why I believe Christians need to understand (and be able to 
articulate in some form) the secular arguments that support the 
positions we hold for otherwise moral reasons.  I completely agree that 
morality can't be legislated -- God tried it.  But we who understand 
that deviation from God's design has bad results, we should be able to 
explain what those results are.

In the case of the issue at hand, Christians can equip themselves with 
information regarding homosexuality from www.narth.org or 
www.exodusglobalalliance.org (sorry if I'm repeating information I've 
posted before).  Truth is truth, whether it is gleaned from the Bible or 
from the laws of nature.  Just because we don't quote Scripture in our 
arguments doesn't mean God can't work through them to bring conviction 
to people's hearts.  I think it's more compassionate to inform someone 
of the health risks associated with their behavior than to throw the 
Bible at them, so to speak.

- Kathy

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