[CS-FSLUG] Re: Things that bug me about Linux...

timbrown at ichristian.com timbrown at ichristian.com
Tue Mar 8 11:31:06 CST 2005

Leon Brooks writes:

> On Monday 07 March 2005 12:01, timbrown at ichristian.com wrote:
>> But I go to terminal and type umount /dev/hdb3 AS SU and it returns
>> "can't unmount, drive is busy". BUSY. BUSY??? How is it busy??? I'm
>> not using it!!!
> If the current working directory in any of your shells points to 
> anywhere in the mount, then the system figures that you _are_ using it. 
> The classic situation is where you've cd'ed into the mount, done stuff, 
> then su'ed to unmount it. Your un-su'ed shell is still using the mount, 
> even though the shell spawned by su isn't. 
> Bits of the GUI (e.g. Konqueror operating as a file manager) can also 
> hold locks within a mount for some minutes after everything else has 
> apparently gone quiescent. One cause of this is thumbnailing. 

The second paragraph is making more sense in light of what I'm seeing. 

Guys, thanks for your generous help. I've been using Linux in one form or 
another now for two years and I wouldn't dream of going back. Often I feel 
like a veteran then *wham* something like this puts me on my face. 

After pounding my head on the desk for a few days it's nice to have you all 
around to sound off to. 

Another lesson I've learned; if you use Kuser to create a user, it may not 
work. Create it from Yast...! I created a new user in Kuser and couldn't get 
it to show up anywhere. Then I ran Yast and made a second new one there. 
*Wham* when I logged out and back in *Both* new users were suddenly there. 

Go figure. 

> Cheers; Leon 

10 out of 10 people die.

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