[CS-FSLUG] Things that bug me about Linux...

Leon Brooks xtiansrc at leon.brooks.fdns.net
Tue Mar 8 09:12:00 CST 2005

On Monday 07 March 2005 12:01, timbrown at ichristian.com wrote:
> But I go to terminal and type umount /dev/hdb3 AS SU and it returns
> "can't unmount, drive is busy". BUSY. BUSY??? How is it busy??? I'm
> not using it!!!

If the current working directory in any of your shells points to 
anywhere in the mount, then the system figures that you _are_ using it. 
The classic situation is where you've cd'ed into the mount, done stuff, 
then su'ed to unmount it. Your un-su'ed shell is still using the mount, 
even though the shell spawned by su isn't.

Bits of the GUI (e.g. Konqueror operating as a file manager) can also 
hold locks within a mount for some minutes after everything else has 
apparently gone quiescent. One cause of this is thumbnailing.

Cheers; Leon

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