[CS-FSLUG] Config can't find gpm.h

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Thu Apr 7 07:26:55 CDT 2005

Ciaran Hamilton wrote:

>>I'm running a configure for elinks 10.4 on RH 7.3. I've installed
>>gpm-devel, ncurses-devel and slang-devel. The configure script can't
>>find the gpm.h at /usr/include/gpm.h. Can any tell me how to manually
>>get this?
> There's probably a gpm-devel RPM package you can install. I'm not
> familiar with Red Hat, but the general rule with most distros is that if
> you need to compile programs that use another package as part of it, you
> also need the corresponding -devel package, which includes things like
> these headers, which aren't installed as part of the base package.

Yes, I have gpm-devel, which is why the header file is at

As it was, I made a wild guess and wrote the entire path in the
'configure' script and it found it. Then while compiling it had major
errors. I'm guessing my version of gpm is too old.

Ed Hurst
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