[CS-FSLUG] Multimedia support (again)

Nathan T. celerate at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 22:55:40 CDT 2005

I would like to know, if I were to install a linux distribution from
scratch what files would I need to get to have support for all the
proprietary codecs as well as encrypted DVD playback. I've asked this
before so finding the answer should be as simple as searching through
your old message archives, I lost mine.

BTW. Ark has had a stable release, none of you hear this from me but
it seems more like an early release in order to draw in more needed
users and developers. Consider this an invitation to try it but don't
be surprised if some parts of it still look hacked together since, in
my opinion, it shouldn't have been a stable release until more
polishing was done.

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