[CS-FSLUG] Looking for a new nickname, web host & e-mail provider

N. Thompson n.thomp at sasktel.net
Sun Dec 26 00:05:20 CST 2004

I'm wondering if some of you folks here could help me choose a new nickname, 
I've been using ntws01 for years but it never had any meaning and now I think 
its about time to consider a new nickname of sorts.

I've thought of just using nate but thats already in use all over the 
internet, I'd like something a little more unique while also being more 
meaningful then my last nickname so I can register it with FreeNode and use 
it as an account name on places like Sourceforge and for my blog.

I'd appreciate any help you folks may have to offer.

Also I'm looking for a new place to get an e-mail account and have my web site 
hosted, I've got no money to invest in this so obviously I'm going to have to 
settle on a free service but I'd rather have something with a comparable deal 
to that Geocties offers on their free acount without the site-disfiguring 
advertisements. I know advertisements are inevitable but I'd rather something 
that isn't a Javascript powered popup banner that covers a major chunk of the 

Perhaps someone in this list still has some GMail invites? Then all I'm going 
to need to find is a new web hosting service. If the GMail invites are only 
good for so long once they've been sent then leave me some time to come up 
with a new nickname before sending one.

BTW. I'm *not* getting rid of my Sasktel address which I use in this list and 
which most of you use to e-mail, I'm getting rid of my MyRealBox and Yahoo 
accounts, one because it only recieves spam and the other because some people 
in this list have previously raised the alarm about Yahoo violating people's 
privacy with tracking cookies and whatnot.

Merry Christmas folks, the presents were nice but lets not let them hide from 
us the true reason for our Dec 25th celebrations, if you've forgotten what 
that was you'd better turn your eyes away from the television and contact 
your local church :-) . 

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