[CS-FSLUG] Looking for a new nickname, web host & e-mail provider

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Sun Dec 26 07:54:22 CST 2004

N. Thompson wrote:
> I'm wondering if some of you folks here could help me choose a new nickname, 
> I've been using ntws01 for years but it never had any meaning and now I think 
> its about time to consider a new nickname of sorts.

I have discovered that "really cool nics"(R) are usually taken, often by
people who are NOT cool. Then I discovered that when you can laugh at
yourself, you can feel comfortable choosing whimsical names. On a couple
of sites, I call myself "bumbler". There's no one else trying to use
that. It requires a little creativity.

For services, it depends on what you really want to do. You can get
websites that are essentially blogware, but flexible enough to be used
other ways (freeconversant.com) if you can write CSS. Some of the folks
here on the list may even be able to offer some space on their servers,
but the free offerings around the web are getting harder to find because
of the google-bombing.

For free e-mail, I've used GMX.net, but you have to read German to set
up the account. They use spam blocking. So does softhome.net, and the
interface is in English. Turbopop is decent, but slow at times. All
three of them offer free POP3 and direct SMTP so you don't have to use
their webmail interface.

Ed Hurst
A Bible Site -- http://webs.tconline.net/softedges/
Linux & Unix Help -- http://ed.asisaid.com/
Blog -- http://ed.asisaid.com/blog/

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