[CS-FSLUG] Mobo dying?

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Dec 12 10:47:54 CST 2004

On Sun December 12 2004 1:59 am, N. Thompson wrote:


> As much as I may sometimes become bored with MDK I have to admit that its
> worked the best out of every other distribution I've tried, especially Ark

MDK might run fine for you, but it DOESN'T even come close to SUSE on a lot of 
other systems..........enough of them that SUSE VASTLY out-sells MDK. 
Obviously, they must be doing something right when there are a LOT of other 
choices. There ISN'T any "perfect" distro., nor will there ever be. You might 
want to consider not "hammering" SUSE here at every opportunity.


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