[CS-FSLUG] Mobo dying?

N. Thompson n.thomp at sasktel.net
Sun Dec 12 13:47:45 CST 2004

On December 12, 2004 10:47 am, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> On Sun December 12 2004 1:59 am, N. Thompson wrote:
> [snip]
> > As much as I may sometimes become bored with MDK I have to admit that its
> > worked the best out of every other distribution I've tried, especially
> > Ark
> MDK might run fine for you, but it DOESN'T even come close to SUSE on a lot
> of other systems..........enough of them that SUSE VASTLY out-sells MDK.
> Obviously, they must be doing something right when there are a LOT of other
> choices. There ISN'T any "perfect" distro., nor will there ever be. You
> might want to consider not "hammering" SUSE here at every opportunity.
> Fred

In the end it all comes down to preference and how well the distribution 
works. I wasn't trying to pick on SUSE, just pointing out that for me it 
didn't run as well as other distributions, I may have been a little to 
extreme with my comparisons though and for that I'm sorry.

I think part of the reason I keep bringing up SUSE is because I do have a 
genuine interest in it but don't feel it would be worth monetary investment 
until I get another chance to try it to see if it will like my hardware 
better this time around. Since I've already got my hard drive maxed out with 
all the partitions it could possibly hold a chance for that won't be comming 
around any time soon.

If Novell/SUSE were to fix some of the issues that have been bothering me with 
the distribution in 9.0 and 9.1 then I would probably consider it as an 
alternative for Mandrake which I'm currently using. I am however going to be 
cautious about it because I'm not sure I like some of the things I've heard 
about Novell's future plans for the distribution, I'm getting the impression 
that they want to do something similar to what Red Hat is doing which is to 
make a more workstation/server oriented distribution. Perhaps you could 
clarify some of this information for me since most of it has come from 
people's comments on OSNews and Slashdot and we both know to take people's 
comments on those sites with a grain of salt.

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